DIY Altoids Camping Candle

Hey! For today’s Goat Note, I will be showing you how to make a DIY Altoids Camping Candle. I have made a few of these, and find them extremely useful for camping, or even just a house candle. They burn for long periods of time, and they are reusable. Let’s get started! Here are the materials you will need:

Altoids tin
Essential oils (optional)

Step 1: Melt the wax.

I put my wax into an aluminum can, and then set the can inside a pot of boiling water. Be careful not to let the water overflow into your wax.

Step 2: Cut the cardboard.

While your wax is melting, you can cut the cardboard into long, thin strips, as wide as the Altoids tin is deep. Then you put the cardboard strips into the tin in a spiral shape.


Step 3: Fill the Altoids tin.

When your wax is completely done melting, slowly start pouring it into the Altoids tin. Your goal is try and fill all of the little holes, but don’t completely cover the cardboard. It will act as a wick, that covers the entire surface of your candle. (if you want, you can add some essential oils along with the wax to add a pleasant scent)

Step 4: Enjoy it!

You can make these to burn around the house, or pack a few in your camping bag to save for later. They will burn nice and hot, and last a long time. Also, their small, convenient size makes them easy to travel on the go.


I hope you enjoyed today’s Goat Note!

See you next time,


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